Make Lattice iCEcube2 work on Ubuntu 20.04 and program the iCEstick FPGA board

Make Lattice iCEcube2 work on Ubuntu 20.04 and program the iCEstick FPGA board

This tutorial shows how to install the Lattice iCEcube2 FPGA design software on Ubuntu 20.04. Instead of the Lattice Diamond Programmer, we will use the alternative programmer from Project IceStorm that works flawlessly on Ubuntu Linux. The Lattice iCEcube2 FPGA design software only works on Red Hat-based Linux distributions out of the box. Fortunately, we…

How to make ModelSim from Quartus Prime Lite work on Ubuntu 20.04

How to make ModelSim from Quartus Prime Lite work on Ubuntu 20.04

The ModelSim version that comes with Intel Quartus Prime Lite Edition is a good alternative if you want to try out VHDL simulation on your home computer. The software is available for both Windows and Linux, but Intel only supports Red Hat-based distros like CentOS Linux. Fortunately, you are just a few hacks away from…

std_logic vs std_ulogic

std_logic vs std_ulogic

VHDL includes few built-in types but offers several additional types through extension packages. Two of the most widely used types are std_logic and std_ulogic. The difference between them is that the former is resolved while the latter isn’t. Before we go on to investigate what it means that a type is resolved, let’s first look…

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