Formal verification in VHDL using PSL

Formal verification in VHDL using PSL

When designing VHDL for safety-critical FPGA applications, it’s not enough to write testbenches at best-effort. You have to present proof that the module works as intended and without undesirable side-effects. Formal verification techniques can help you map a requirement to a test, proving that your VHDL module conforms to the specification. It’s an instrumental tool…

Using Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) and Virtual Input/Output (VIO)

Using Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) and Virtual Input/Output (VIO)

This tutorial covers using the Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) and Virtual Input/Output (VIO) cores to debug and monitor your VHDL design in the Xilinx Vivado IDE. In many cases, designers are in need to perform on-chip verification. That is, gaining access to an internal signal’s behavior in their FPGA design for verification purposes. One option…

List of four text strings on paper

How to create a list of strings in VHDL

Text strings in VHDL are generally limited to fixed-length character arrays. That makes sense because VHDL describes hardware, and generic-length strings require dynamic memory. To define an array of strings, you have to allocate space at compile-time for the highest number of strings you want to store. Even worse, you must decide on the strings’…

The Lattice iCEstick FPGA board controlling a TowerPro SG90 servo

RC servo controller using PWM from an FPGA pin

Radio-controlled (RC) model servos are tiny actuators typically used in hobbyist model planes, cars, and boats. They allow the operator to control the vehicle via a radio link remotely. Because RC models have been around for a long time, the de-facto standard interface is pulse-width modulation (PWM), rather than a digital scheme. Fortunately, it’s easy…

Digital code lock

How to create a Tcl-driven testbench for a VHDL code lock module

Most VHDL simulators use the Tool Command Language (Tcl) as their scripting language. When you type a command in the simulator console, you are using Tcl. Furthermore, you can create scripts with Tcl that run in the simulator and interact with your VHDL code. In this article, we will create a self-checking testbench that uses…

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