Function and procedure call overhead in VHDL

Function and procedure call overhead in VHDL

There are controversies in the VHDL community about how you can and shouldn’t use subprograms. Some say you should avoid using functions or procedures in synthesizable (RTL) code. While there are debatable subjective reasons to restrict the use of subprograms, many of these beliefs stem from myths or misconceptions. Therefore, I’m writing this article to…

ModelSim commands wordcloud

The ModelSim commands you need to know

Many people struggle to understand the ModelSim/QuestaSim VHDL simulator’s workflow. I think that’s unnecessary because the basic workflow isn’t hard to learn. I regard the graphical user interface (GUI) as a front-end for the commands listed in this article. For example, when you click the Compile button in the ModelSim GUI, it runs the vcom…

Using Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) and Virtual Input/Output (VIO)

Using Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) and Virtual Input/Output (VIO)

This tutorial covers using the Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) and Virtual Input/Output (VIO) cores to debug and monitor your VHDL design in the Xilinx Vivado IDE. In many cases, designers are in need to perform on-chip verification. That is, gaining access to an internal signal’s behavior in their FPGA design for verification purposes. One option…

VHDL instantiation

Entity instantiation and component instantiation

There are two ways to instantiate a module in VHDL: component instantiation and entity instantiation. Some people refer to the latter as direct instantiation. Entity instantiation didn’t exist in the first revisions VHDL, but it has been available since VHDL’93. This is the method that I recommend unless you have specific reasons to use component…

The Lattice iCEstick FPGA board controlling a TowerPro SG90 servo

RC servo controller using PWM from an FPGA pin

Radio-controlled (RC) model servos are tiny actuators typically used in hobbyist model planes, cars, and boats. They allow the operator to control the vehicle via a radio link remotely. Because RC models have been around for a long time, the de-facto standard interface is pulse-width modulation (PWM), rather than a digital scheme. Fortunately, it’s easy…

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