Waveform of the AXI FIFO

How to make an AXI FIFO in block RAM using the ready/valid handshake

I was a little annoyed by the peculiarities of the AXI interface the first time I had to create logic to interface an AXI module. Instead of the regular busy/valid, full/valid, or empty/valid control signals, the AXI interface uses two control signals named “ready” and “valid”. My frustration soon changed to awe. The AXI interface…

Dot Matrix LED Controller FPGA course

FPGA course – Everything you need to know about the Dot Matrix VHDL Course

I’m excited to announce that the VHDL and FPGA course that I have been working on for the last six months is starting to become complete. The course is in beta at the moment, and I am planning on launching it for the first time this autumn. Who is the FPGA course for? The FPGA…

How to create a self-checking testbench

How to create a self-checking testbench

A self-checking testbench is a VHDL program that verifies the correctness of the device under test (DUT) without relying on an operator to manually inspect the output. The self-checking testbench runs entirely on its own, and prints an “OK” or “Failed” message in the end. Every VHDL module should have an associated self-checking testbench. It’s…

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